Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the workshop “5th Novel Fluidic Technologies Workshop with an Emphasis on Tissue Engineering” which will be at Bioengineering Department, Ege University Izmir, TURKEY within the framework of our on-going bilateral project (120N422) supported by
NCBR (Poland) and TUBITAK during May 4-5, 2023.
The scope of the workshop is to bring together scientists and young researchers to discuss breakthrough research in the field of fluidic technologies focusing on tissue engineering applications and to enhance skills of young researchers through knowledge exchange. The topics lie at the intersection of biofabrication, microfluidics, supercritical fluids, biomaterials, organ-on-chips and related therapeutics. Young researchers will make poster presentations in a competitive environment and the selected best three poster presentations will be rewarded by “Young Researcher Excelling in Novel Fluidics” award.
Abstract submission is open until April 21, 2023 and more detailed information can be found on the website of the workshop
We look forward to receiving your abstracts.
Please forward this e-mail to your colleagues, students and potential authors who might be interested in attending the workshop. Please note that the workshop is free of charge, deadline for registration is April 24, 2023.
Hope to see you in Izmir
On behalf of the Organizing Commitee,
Workshop chair,
Ege University
Deadline for registration: April 24, 2023
The workshop is free of charge and open to all researchers and students.
Organising Committee
Prof. Dr. Ozlem Yesil-Celiktas
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anan Yaghmur
Ecem Saygili, PhD Candidate
Esra Ilhan-Ayisigi, PhD Candidate
Pelin Saglam-Metiner, PhD Candidate
Betul Cakmak, MSc Student
Bilgesu Kaya, MSc Student
Burcu Yaldiz, MSc Student
Buse Deliogullari, MSc Student
Goze Beceren, MSc Student
Utku Devamoglu, MSc Student
Elif Duran, MSc Student
Sezen Horozoglu, MSc Student
Yagmur Filiz, MSc Student
Tugba Topal, Dr.